
The Fuelcard Company Limited are committed to providing a high standard of service to all of our customers. If you are unhappy with our service, we’d like to hear about it – this way, we can seek to put it right.

Our staff are the best placed to receive your complaint and to work with you to resolve it. You can share your concerns with them in person, by phone, by letter or e-mail.

We will do our best to resolve your complaint promptly1 and with the minimum of inconvenience to you however, whilst we aim to resolve complaints as promptly as possible and expect to resolve the majority within the same business day, we acknowledge that some complex complaints may require further and more detailed investigation and therefore may take longer to resolve

By writing to us at we will endeavour to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. In your correspondence you should set out the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the resolution you are seeking.

This is what you can expect from us:

  • A written acknowledgement of your complaint within five working days
  • Details of who is handling your complaint and how to contact them (sometimes this may not be the person who received your complaint but the individual best placed to deal with it).

Should your complaint be more complex and take longer to investigate, we will keep you informed of progress.

We aim to resolve your complaint within 15 working days. If we are unable to do so, we will contact you to explain what is happening whilst also informing you of the steps being taken to seek a resolution. After eight weeks we will send you a final response or a further progress report on our investigations.